My art is based on a simple yet profound idea: letting the paint speak for itself. Through spontaneous gestures like free strokes, cross-outs, and the compression of paint, I aim to uncover the essence and natural beauty of the material I work with. Imagine the act of pressing vivid acrylic colors between two transparent panels, whether they’re made of methacrylate or glass, and watching the mesmerizing dance as they blend and react, creating astonishing shapes and effects. Sometimes, I focus on a single color to form blocks that resemble painted sculptures, and at other times, I mix different colors to craft a visual mosaic that’s rich in texture and depth. Each piece is unique, and occasionally, unforeseen events, such as glass breaking, introduce an unexpected dialogue between the material and my creation, infusing each work with its own distinctive personality.

My “Compressed Paint” series embodies this exploration, showcasing not just an expression of color and form but also serving as a testament to paint as a living, dynamic force. But beyond the visual spectacle, this series delves into the transformative power of color. Color has the ability to evoke emotions, alter perceptions, and transform spaces. It can transport us to different places or times and make us feel things deeply, sometimes in ways we can’t quite articulate. This is the magic I strive to capture – how color, in its purest form, can transform not only the canvas it adorns but also the viewer’s experience, creating a profound, emotional resonance that lingers long after the initial encounter.

compressed paint. 4 panels 36×36 inch. 72×72 inch. 2019

compressed paint. 4 panels 36×48 inch. 84×84 inch. 2019

compressed paint. 4 panels 36×36 inch. 72×72 inch. 2019

compressed paint. 16 panels 8×8 inch. 32×32 inch. 2019

Colors have bridged the tangible and the spiritual throughout history, rooted in rich meanings and symbolisms that vary widely among cultures and spiritual traditions. Considered manifestations of divine energy, colors have been essential for spiritual understanding and the expression of the divine, from the beliefs of ancient Egypt to the principles of Kabbalah and Hinduism. These interpretations have adapted and transformed over the ages, reflecting cultural, artistic, and philosophical changes, and evolving to incorporate meanings associated with the sacred, emotional states, and the pursuit of spiritual well-being.

In contemporary times, the understanding and application of colors have expanded with contributions from color psychology and holistic approaches like Aura-Soma, and more recently with “Colorstrology” by Michele Bernhardt, which links colors with personal energy and well-being through the lens of astrology. This comprehensive perspective underscores the ongoing relevance of colors in our quest for harmony, self-awareness, and spiritual connection, highlighting their enduring power to influence our mood, thoughts, and deep connection with the spiritual realm.

compressed paint. 30×30 inch. 2019

compressed paint. 30×30 inch. 2019

compressed paint. 30×30 inch. 2019

compressed paint. 30×30 inch. 2019

In the rich tradition of ancient cultures, the color that governs us according to our birth date holds a unique importance, acting as a window into our spiritual, emotional, and physical nature. This ancestral connection between colors and our essence is reflected in how each tradition uses color to foster energetic balance, meditation, spiritual understanding, and personal growth. Knowing the specific color that governs us offers unique perspectives on our inclinations, challenges, and strengths, guiding us towards greater harmony with ourselves and the universe.

Although these traditions vary in beliefs and practices, they all share the common principle of the significant influence of colors on human life, underscoring the importance of self-knowledge and spiritual connection. This recognition of our personal color is not only a step towards understanding our own identity but also a means to appreciate the universal interconnectedness, where colors act as symbols of our intrinsic relationship with the cosmos. Through this spiritual approach to colors, we join a millennia-old quest for balance, understanding, and unity with the whole.

1-compressed paint. 12×12 inch, 2019.       2-compressed paint. 12×12 inch, 2019.       3-compressed paint. 12×12 inch, 2019.

“Do you want to explore the color that defines your essence and guides you towards self-awareness?

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